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Molly and Bunker's "Save the Dals" Page

This page is dedicated to the preservation of the DALMATIAN!

Please be sure to click on the special links for more information on Dalmatian health, rescue and adoptions of these special dogs.

Foods you should never feed to a dalmatian include; all grains, spinach, oatmeal, meats of any kind including pork, chicken, turkey, fish, etc... asparagus, mushrooms, legumes (peas, green beans, lentils, mung beans), cauliflower, corn, or wheat.

Foods they can have include; fruits, nuts, seeds, beans and vegetables

Here is the Diet that I suggest from years of experience with Dalmatians and feed my own Dal's: This is a twice a week recipe for Monday's and Wednesday's, the rest of the week they get doggy salad on the recipe page. On Saturday's and Sunday's, they eat fruit salad, nuts and seeds.

1 cup of the following raw veggies: zucchini, broccoli (use the stems!), yams(peel the yams), leafy greens and sprouts ( a food processor works wonders)
1 cups black beans and pinto beans, soaked and sprouted (use the food processor to grind up) use 1 oz of young coconut milk to blend beans.
2 tablespoons raw nut butter 
small amount of dried seaweed
1/4 cup blueberries
1 avocado, mashed 1/2 in am and 1/2 in pm
1 tsp. pet essentials oil
1 tablespoon cosmic doggy greens
200 IU's Vitamin E

Mix together all of the above ingredients and serve! My dogs go NUTS over this!!!

I also give my dogs various raw food treats during the day such as kale, beet greens, carrots, apples, blueberries, mango, seeds, nuts, sprouts, wheat grass, red, yellow and orange bell peppers, radishes, jicama, and more. Everything I feed my dogs is 100% Organic. Of course they also get my marvelous allergy free cookies! They are free of all pureens, wheat, meat, dairy, soy and corn. They provide tarter control too!

You will see such a HUGE difference in your Dal when you switch!

Obedience training is a huge issue with people with Dalmatians! I always suggest positive and fun training.
Another form of training, but mostly just a lot of fun for Dalmatians is Agility training. Please visit our gentle dog training page or TTouch with Mary Lou page.
What kind of leash is best? I recommend the Halti for Dalmatians and the gentle leader for all other dogs. here is the link
Dalmatians really need eye contact when trying to get them to do something you want them to do. They are by nature extremely stubborn which is often confused with stupidity.

Molly and Bunker are two delightful Dalmatians that I rescued when working as a volunteer with Dalmatian rescue. They have filled our lives with a great deal of joy. Dalmatians are a huge responsibility, one that should never be taken lightly. We have had to work very hard with these precious dogs. When Molly was little, she destroyed most of our house. Through lots of love and patience, she has become a more relaxed and centered being. Bunker was a very aggressive dog, much like a great white shark going in for the kill. He is also mellowing. Occasionally, he is naughty, but nothing like before. As you can imagine without great love and patience, these dogs would never have had a chance.

A sad but true fact, Dalmatians are the #1 destroyed pet in the USA. Unfortunately, Disney is hugely to blame for this! The release of 101 Dalmatians resulted in many parents wanting to buy their children Dalmatians for Christmas. Now with their new 102 Dalmatian movie release, even more Dalmatians will die. To sign the petition please click and click on Disney/Dalmatian petition or send an e-mail to

Skin ailments are very common with Dalmatians largely due to improper food, too frequent baths, chemical flea control and being outside. Dalmatians ARE NOT OUTDOOR DOGS! They are basically albinos and burn very easily. They love to walk, run, swim, climb and do other kinds of moderate outdoor activities, but when the day is done, in they go. I bathe my dal's with enzymatic shampoo and only bathe them 2 times a year. I brush them daily and use only my flea program. If you have a Dalmatian that has skin ailments, I suggest using a homeopathic remedy called Sulphur 30 C. Use 4 pellets 2 x daily. If the skin problem is chronic and severe then I suggest a fast. For fasting instructions please e-mail me at the address link below. Thanks!

Please let us all join together and help save these wonderful beings!

Hi from Molly! WOOF WOOF!



Bunker highly recommends Mary Lou! WOOF WOOF! 5 Paws up.

Molly says, GO VEGAN RAW! ARF ARF!!

Joyful Hands~ Where the "Furry" Kids Go!